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ASTM D7091-13干膜厚度测试 Dry Film Thickness
作者:admin    发布于:2019-12-18 09:35:22    文字:【】【】【
摘要:ASTM D7091标准用于测量干膜厚度的磁性测厚仪和涡流计的使用。涂层厚度可通过各种量具量测。更多关于ASTM D7091-13干膜厚度测试 Dry Film Thickness,请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

ASTM D7091标准用于测量干膜厚度的磁性测厚仪和涡流计的使用。涂层厚度可通过各种量具量测。更多关于ASTM D7091-13干膜厚度测试 Dry Film Thickness,请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

ASTM D7091干膜厚度测试标准

ASTM D7091-13 Standard Practice for Nondestructive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings Applied to Ferrous Metals and Nonmagnetic, Nonconductive Coatings Applied to Non-Ferrous Metals
ASTM D7091-13 应用于黑色金属的非磁性涂层和应用于有色金属的非磁性和非导电涂层干膜厚度的无损测量标准操作规范

ASTM D7091适用范围

This practice describes the use of magnetic and eddy current gages for dry film thickness measurement. This practice is intended to supplement the manufacturers’ instructions for the manual operation of the gages and is not intended to replace them. It includes definitions of key terms, reference documents, the significance and use of the practice, the advantages and limitations of coating thickness gages, and a description of test specimens. It describes the methods and recommended frequency for verifying the accuracy of gages and for adjusting the equipment and lists the reporting recommendations.

更多关于ASTM D7091-13干膜厚度测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司咨询电话:400-603-6575   025-8658 3475


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