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船舶材料UK MER,船舶英国UK MER认证,MED认证,
作者:admin    发布于:2022-06-02 14:15:22    文字:【】【】【
摘要:船舶材料防火认证,在欧盟通用的是MED认证,又称Wheelmark认证/舵轮标志认证。随着英国脱欧后,英国船舶材料的防火认证,采用的是UK MER认证。因此,如果船舶材料销往欧盟和英国市场,那么推荐UK MER和MED两大认证同时申请,可以节省很大一部分认证成本。南京睿督公司专业提供IMO列表实验室(IMO List of Recognized Test Laboratories)所出具的报告及证书,IMO列表实验室报告及证书受到DNV, BV船级社认可。咨询电话:025-86583475

船舶材料防火认证,在欧盟通用的是MED认证,又称Wheelmark认证/舵轮标志认证。随着英国脱欧后,英国船舶材料的防火认证,采用的是UK MER认证


因此,如果船舶材料销往欧盟和英国市场,那么推荐UK MER和MED两大认证同时申请,可以节省很大一部分认证成本。

MED指令中涉及的所有设备,都要求应该贴上“Wheel Mark” 的“舵轮”标签。MED认证的Wheel Mark舵轮标志,会附于符合船用设备指令的产品上。认证由舵轮、公告机构NB的标识号、产品出厂年份的最后两位数字组成。


MarED is the co-ordination group for the Notified Bodies assigned by the Member States to carry out the conformity assessment procedures referred to in the Marine Equipment Directive (Directive 2014/90/EU replacing Directive 96/98/EC as amended on Marine Equipment). The MarED Website contains information about the MarED Group, Notified Bodies and the Marine Equipment Directive and equipment certified under the MED (MarED database).

Free movement of goods is a cornerstone of the single European market. The European Union has developed original and innovative instruments to remove the barriers to free circulation of goods. The mechanisms in place to achieve this aim are based on prevention of new barriers to trade, mutual recognition and technical harmonisation.

Notified Bodies carry out the tasks pertaining to the conformity assessment procedures referred to in the applicable directives when a third party is required. Member States are responsible for their notification. They may choose the bodies they notify from the bodies under their jurisdiction which comply with the requirements of the directives and the principles laid down in under the EU New Legal Framework (https://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/goods/new-legislative-framework_en)

MarED provides a framework for co-ordination and co-operation between its members, the Commission and observers in the application of the Marine Equipment Directive. It is the intention of the MarED to be a conduit for the exchange information between members and to harmonise technical aspects. Furthermore MarED aims at solving unclear situations in reaching a consensus on the procedures of the EC Type Examination and surveillance modules in order to avoid differences between Notified Bodies.





南京睿督公司专业提供IMO列表实验室(IMO List of Recognized Test Laboratories)所出具的报告及证书,IMO列表实验室报告及证书受到DNV, BV船级社认可。南京睿督公司已协助国内船舶设备材料厂家成功取得FTPC IMO Resolution MSC.307(88) 测试及Wheel Mark舵轮标识MED认证。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

更多关于船舶材料UK MER与MED认证相关内容,请咨询南京睿督公司
南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575
网址:www.fire-test.com  www.fire-test.cn 

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